When considering biker gangs, one usually imagines tough, heavily tattooed men with beards. However, this particular group of individuals conforms to that image externally, but their actions show that appearances can be deceiving.
Rescue Ink was a group of bikers that gained prominence from 2008 to 2014. They specialized in cases of animal cruelty that law enforcement was unable to handle. If a dog had a shelter that met the minimum legal requirements, law enforcement could not legally confiscate the animal even if it was left out in the cold. However, the bikers would either persuade the owner to surrender the dog or, even better, construct or purchase a warmer doghouse.
The individuals formed alliances with several rescues and veterinarians and were an essential asset in many gruesome cases. For instance, they’ve examined and disintegrated dog fighting rings, illegal dog breeding facilities where people were producing purebred puppies for drug profits, a person who attempted to poison a group of cats, and even a cat killer. The group comprised of bikers, former bodybuilders, weightlifting champions, ex-military personnel, police investigators, and attorneys. Men who possessed an intimidating demeanor and legal expertise to walk the fine line of legality to rescue as many abused and neglected animals as possible.
The group was not just a tough bunch of guys, but they also had compassion and empathy for animals. They were able to work within the boundaries of the law, cooperate with law enforcement, and handle a large volume of communication from the public every day. They saved various kinds of animals, from cats and dogs to horses and a boa constrictor. One member even carried a kitten with him everywhere he went because it required bottle feeding every few hours. According to a spokesperson for the organization, “Some people may consider us to be superheroes, but in reality, we are animal lovers and protectors. Despite many challenges, obstacles, and cases throughout the years, we remain committed to our mission.”
If you believe in the work that Rescue Ink did to protect and care for animals, please show your support by leaving a like and sharing this information with others.
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